26 August 2010

How Much Do You VALUE Yourself?

Robyn Stitt, Overwhelm Consultant 0437 601 550

Hi to all,

I certainly hope you are all staying warm (if in the Southern Hemisphere). We’ve had some very cold weather here in Strathalbyn recently, but rest assured my clinic rooms are beautiful and warm, just what you want when de-stressing or relaxing. It is also the time for snuggle-up comfort foods and I enjoy these too, but remember to watch your portion sizes and sugar intake, or you might just end up more tired than before. I have been busy not just in clinic and with the family, but also studying again, something which I love.
What do you love to do?

On another note, you’ll be pleased to know that I’ve negotiated with the owner of BodySense (Sharon) to not have the nail tech and I there on the same day- so those of you that are sensitive to the smell of nail polish can rest assured you don’t have to smell it any more when coming for your Tuesday appointment. Thanks Sharon, it only took a quiet discussion to find a win-win resolution to the problem.

How could your life be made a bit easier by negotiation? Call me if you need some assistance 0437 601 550.

Self Esteem- How Much do you Value Yourself?

I heard a fabulous little acronym the other day-
FLY. Fall in Love with Yourself.

I think it’s so simple, yet so powerful.

Think about it- I want to fly- seems impossible, yet it can be done- you need some pilot training and lots of practice. And you can fall in love with yourself too, with training and practice. How would it feel to be in love with yourself? Content, satisfied, whole, confident. You’d certainly not feel guilty looking after this gorgeous body, would you- feed it great quality foods, allow it to get as much sleep as it needed, surround it with beautiful things.

Sounds pretty good doesn’t it?
You can do this and it starts with VALUING yourself as much, if not more, than those around you. Making your needs as important as everyone else’s. Where do you place yourself in the priority list?

I help many clients raise their ‘self-value’ and the results are so rewarding, to see the improvements in their relationships and general health makes my heart sing.
You can start today with the following phrase, “I love myself, I am worth loving” Yes, you’ll probably feel silly saying it to begin with, but just like flying, with practice, you’ll eventually begin to believe it and then the world is your oyster!
More specifics in regards to this issue can be addressed using Kinesiology, Reiki or a combination of both. How much do you value yourself?

A Different Way of Looking at Things.

I must admit this is a first for me- putting a link to another Blog in mine, but this is brilliant and many of my clients are going through this at the moment- to them, I hope this will explain a little more what and why you are feeling the way you are.

Spiritual Awakening Twelve Signs

So instead of fighting what's going on, embrace it and allow the journey to unfold. Reiki can help ease these feelings and allow your body to transition more calmly- phone today.

This month’s quote…
‎"You cannot teach a man anything; you can only help him find it within himself." - Galileo

If you have a topic or question you would like answered, please drop me an email and I will endeavour to answer it in soon.

See you again,

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When we follow our truth we are always in the place where we recognise opportunities and experiences that draw us into our fullest potential and depth of our love.