2 November 2009

Tips for Exams - Overcoming Overwhelm Newsletter – November 2009
e-newsletter from Robyn Stitt, Overwhelm Consultant 0437 601 550

Hi again!

This month I’m putting my newsletter out a bit early so that I can offer some tips for those of you who are doing, or are living with someone who is doing, exams at this time of year. Exams are very stressful and even the most ‘cool, calm and collected’ of us can experience episodes of ‘tired and emotional’, panic, doubt or general melt-down.
Those studying can be tempted to burn the midnight oil only to find themselves too tired the next day to function efficiently and maybe even pick up germs that otherwise would bounce off us.

Read my tips below and if you are still feeling overwhelmed or just want some chill-out time call for an appointment to get you back on top again.

5 Tips for Surviving Exams.

1. Keep as ‘normal as possible’ routine - Don’t forgo everything for study- it won’t sink in. If you play sport or have a part-time job, keep doing it.
2. Sleep- sounds simple, but going to bed at a reasonable hour and getting enough sleep will enable you to have much more effective studying the next day. Especially the night before an exam, get a good night’s sleep so you can conquer the nerves early on and do your best in the exam
3. Eat well- another simple approach to effective survival of a very stressful time of your life. Breakfast, lunch and dinner- protein, carbs, fruit and veg- the occasional treat. Eat with your family, they will help you to maintain your sense of belonging and support.
4. Limit or eliminate ‘Stimulants’- coffee, sports drinks, sugary soft drinks, chocolate let alone heavier stimulants all overload your body giving a short-lived high only to leave you lower than you started, so opt for nuts or a walk to help keep you focussed.
5. Get some exercise- whether it’s going for a walk or a swim, playing sport, doing yoga, whatever- don’t spend all of your swat-vac and times between exam sitting at a desk stiffening up. You’ll end up lethargic and hunched. If you really can’t afford time out to go for a 30 minute break, at least stand up and stretch your body every couple of hours, you’ll feel better for it.

The differences between the different modalities I use.

A common question I am asked in clinic and when talking to a person about Overwhelm and Wellness is “What is it that you do?”
The simple answer is, “I use results-based therapies drawn from ancient and modern holistic modalities from around the world.” Read on to find out more….

At today’s fast pace of life, stress (a much overused word), is something that is thrown towards us almost constantly. Your ability to deal with negative stress directly corresponds to your own wellness. Increasing stresses often have a detrimental affect on your physical and emotional self. My goal is to bring you back into balance using these different modalities so that your current stress load is decreased.

Kinesiology is a totally customised treatment modality combining gentle, western style muscle monitoring with ancient Chinese philosophy, acupressure and natural therapies enabling busy, stressed people to get their lives back on track. Non-invasive and relaxing, clients often leave feeling lighter and more able to take on the outside world.

Reiki is a relaxing, touch-based therapy which can be enjoyed even if you are too sore for a massage. It calms both the mind and body allowing deep healing. A Reiki session can include an aromatherapy foot massage utilising essential oil blends to reduce tension, detox the body or increase energy levels, it depends what you want from your session.

Ear candling is an ancient ritual seen in many different cultures, from India, China, North America even the Australian Aborigines. Gentle and relaxing, it draws debris from the ear canal, can reduce sinus and head pressure or relieve hay-fever symptoms. Once again, it depends what you want from your session.

I can give you a personalised combination of all of these modalities, or you can choose what you want. How many other practitioners allow you to choose your own treatment?

This month’s quote…

'Love is what makes you smile when you're tired.'

Til next time,

When we follow our truth we are always in the place where we recognise opportunities and experiences that draw us into our fullest potential and depth of our love.