8 January 2012

Overcoming Overwhelm Newsletter – Jan 2012

I hope you’ve all enjoyed a relaxing and restful Festive Season. It seems even to me that only yesterday we were in the middle of winter!

How quickly time flies along, you blink at a few months roll by. How long since your last visit? You might be surprised!
Now, I have some ‘unpleasant news’- after maintaining my prices for over 18 months, the time has come to raise them.
All sessions will now be $85, BUT there’s a way around it! Keep reading…
Why not make 2012 ‘The Year of PROACTIVELY Taking Care of YOU”? Clients make faster progress when they ‘don’t wait until they fall in a heap’ to visit.
To encourage rebooking, I’m offering a $10 discount to all who make their next appt when in clinic. And remember, I do have packages available too, just ask for details.

Do you like my photo? It’s a gorgeous butterfly that spent the whole day escaping the heatwave on our front porch. We even put down a plate of water and watched it drink!
It doesn’t take much sometimes to make a difference.
Remember you can always come onboard my Facebook page www.facebook.com/overcoming.overwhelm Check it out for tips, quotes, laughs and all-round helpful advice on Overcoming Overwhelm!

What I’ve Been Up To.

Well, apart from helping lots of people de-stress, I’ve had quite a literary time recently. I was asked to proof-read a book, and then contribute to another!
One has been released already.
‘A Modern Woman’s Guide to A Natural Empowering Birth’ is a great book for anyone who’s expecting a baby.
Beautifully presented, easy to read and full of ‘real-life’ stories, hints and tips, I have copies of this book available for $34.95.
Hopefully the other book won’t be too far away either. It’s so lovely to help others make their dreams come true.

Summer is here, School will be Back Soon too!
As parents we want the best for our kids, whatever that is. Why not get this year off to a great start by ‘Tuning up’ your kids, hormones, changes of routine or class, can all affect learning. A Kinesiology consult can ‘nip these issues in the bud’. Kids just lap up Kinesiology, it fascinates and empowers them, they can really feel it and I love having kids on my treatment bed.

Technology is Taking Over.
Now this might interest my ‘far away’ clients, whether that’s an hour’s drive away, or the other side of the world away-
I am now offering Energy Healing sessions via email or phone. Using the principles of Reiki and Kinesiology, you can have the benefits without needing to visit me in person.
Being both ‘Energy Modalities’, my healing sessions can be ‘sent’ much like an email, why not try it out?
Ring 0437 601 550 or email me at rj@stitt.com.au to find out more about distant sessions.

This month’s quote…

‎'Passion and purpose go hand in hand.When you discover your purpose, you will normally find it’s something you’re tremendously passionate about.'Steve Pavlina

If you have a topic or question you would like answered, please drop me an email and I will endeavour to answer it in upcoming newsletters.

Til next time,

If you think someone you know might enjoy reading this newsletter, please forward it to them.
Questions or comments? E-mail us at rj@stitt.com.au or phone 0437 601 550
or catch up with old newsletters at
or check out my FaceBook fan page at http://www.facebook.com/overcoming.overwhelm

When we follow our truth we are always in the place where we recognise opportunities and experiences that draw us into our fullest potential and depth of our love.