22 June 2010

Top 10 Things people Want to Change about Themselves

e-newsletter from Robyn Stitt, Overwhelm Consultant 0437 601 550

Here we are again- this month’s photo is of a very ‘Aussie’ slightly bent- but- still -standing –up ‘Out House’ taken down at Milang.
I often think of this image when a client comes in saying they ‘Just don’t feel quite right’. Still functioning, but don’t push too hard or I might just fall into a big heap of rubble.
How far could you be pushed right now without falling over?
It is important here to remember that each of us is different and what one may survive, another might find challenging. Ah, the complexities of the human being.

I can help you build your coping strategies, read your situation and become more adaptable in your life.

Call today on 0437 601 550 if you feel like you’re only just holding on.

The Top 10 Things People Often Want to Change About Themselves

Recently on my FaceBook Page Overcoming Overwhelm on Facebook, I invited my fans to think about what the Top 10 things would be that people want to change about themselves.
The results were interesting and a little off the mark. So now I’ll set the record straight and put a few people out of their ‘thinking misery’.

1- Be free (or at least have a reduction) of aches and pains. Remember pain in the body is a message trying to be heard and often all drugs do is make the message have to get louder. (revisit last month’s post if you need a reminder on messages)

2- Feel better about themselves. Self-esteem is a huge issue for so many people. It may be in just one part of your life, but it may be wider reaching than that too. Think how you would be if you had the confidence to do whatever you wanted.

3-Their bodies- lose weight, gain shape, be taller, more attractive. To be happy in your own skin is a wonderful feeling.

4-Focus- being able to give your full attention to something and see it through to completion. By not allowing distractions to sway you from your task, you will achieve more.

5-Releasing fears- fear of failure, fear of success, fear of spiders, heights, crowds. Fears stop you doing things. What could you achieve if there was no fear?

6- To have more energy- I’d really like to do that but I can’t be bothered, I’m so tired. If energy was no boundary, what would you do today?

7- Be sure of themselves- to doubt is to hesitate, playing the ‘what-if’ game. Imagine knowing what you want and going for it.

8- Have clear boundaries (and sticking to them) - if you mean NO, say NO. Don’t allow yourself to be persuaded or bullied into doing something you really don’t want to do.

9- To not feel guilty about everything- you can’t please everyone in the world, so please the most important one- YOU!

10- Generally function better- to have your body operating at its peak- getting the most out of what you eat, having good quality sleep, enjoying life.

And you know what?
Most of these issues can be addressed using Kinesiology, Reiki or a combination of both.

What would you like to change about yourself?

Anyone been watching the Soccer World Cup?….

A lot has been said about the quality of the refereeing (especially for the Australian games) at this year’s World Cup. But let’s just think about it for a while.
It depends on who the rostered referee is for any particular game. It depends on which team you are supporting. It could even depend on the day!

To be truly fair, all the games should be ‘reffed’ by the same referee for consistency’s sake. But that is a logistical nightmare and the competition would take months, not weeks.
And just like the soccer, life isn’t always the ‘best case scenario’ is it? We have to play our cards (the situations and circumstances we find ourselves in) to the best of our ability. Sure better cards would be nice, but there might not be any to be had right now.

Does whinging about it change what’s happened, change your cards, change the referee’s decision? No, but changing the way you observe the situation sure can alter how you feel about the whole thing. Pull your socks up and keep going. Make the best of whatever situation you are in, do your best and then next round, you might just get that unbeatable deal you’ve been after for a while.

If you find yourself ‘seeing the world through grey tinted glasses’, maybe a visit to the ‘outlook optometrist’ might just alter you view of things. I’m not expecting anyone to go all ‘rosy’ on me, but to be objective and see the world as it truly is (reality).

This month’s quote…
"Attitudes are contagious. Is yours worth catching?” Thanks to Liz for that one.

If you have a topic or question you would like answered, please drop me an email and I will endeavour to answer it in upcoming newsletters.

See you again,


If you think someone you know might enjoy reading this newsletter, please forward it to them.
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Questions or comments? E-mail us at rj@stitt.com.au or phone 0437 601 550

check out my FaceBook fan page at http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Overcoming-Overwhelm/106912325996960?ref=ts

When we follow our truth we are always in the place where we recognise opportunities and experiences that draw us into our fullest potential and depth of our love.