10 December 2010

Xmas wishes- thankyous and presents.

December 2010
Robyn Stitt, Overwhelm Consultant 0437 601 550

Happy holidays and Merry Xmas to you,

I must firstly apologise for having such a large time period between postings. It’s true what they say- time does fly when you’re having fun.

Then I would love to say a BIG THANKYOU to all of you for being such wonderful clients, followers, supporters and journey-ers. I have gained as much from working with you as you have from me- it’s a journey we take together and I’m very proud of you all.

I’ve been flat out studying- learning a heap of great new stuff to help you all (that’s the fun I’ve been having). You’ll be pleased to know I’ve received wonderful feedback from my Tutor and also my Case Study clients. Not only have I completed 2 Kinesiology modules, but also Nutrition, so any lifestyle or food questions, please feel free to ask. Digestion and detoxing is now a forte of mine.

Another thing I have done has been interviewed by Rebel Black from ‘I’m not Fussy’ a website dedicated to ‘Choosing health and wellness and living a fulfilled and satisfied life’ A philosophy I follow too.
You can find the interview here I'm Not Fussy- Robyn Stitt

So, what are you up to this Festive Season? What would you like your 2011 to be like?

Reflect on your last 12 months- are you satisfied with your journey? If you have a plan but need help reaching it, a series of appointments can have you scooting along in no time. Likewise, if you’re not sure on where you want to go, we can help with that too.
Who could you be this time next year??

I’m taking a leave from consulting for a few weeks over Xmas and New Year to spend time with my loved ones, but will be back on Jan 10th.
And I’ll be having a ‘Get Ready for School’ week last week for the holidays, so get in and give your kids the best stat they can for the new year of learning.
Call me now for appointments in January 0437 601 550.

New to Buy- A Healthier Sanitary Option.

I’m not into ‘selling products’, but when I heard about this new, different sanitary pad I just had to find out more about them.
As someone who is concerned about, and therefore try to minimize, the number of chemicals I expose not only myself to but also my family, I stumbled across ‘LOVE-MOON Pads’.

They contain an anion layer but no bleach or synthetic materials. The result is quite amazing. No leakage, no odour, no icky sweaty feeling.
You can read more about them here... Love Moon Pads
I have them available right now- in panty liners (30 in pack), day pads (10 in pack) and night/ maternity (8 in pack) $10 per pack, but you’ll use less than traditional products so the price per period is about the same. Plus, there are so many other uses for them. Call me if you’d like me to send you a sample or to demonstrate how good they are.

My Gift for YOU.

As a special end-o-year thank youI have also found a free e-Book called ‘How Do I Love Me’ that you can download! Here’s the link 'How Do I Love Me - The Book'

From me to you with love.

This month’s quote…
“Life is a grindstone. Whether it grinds us down or polishes us up depends on us.” ~ L. Thomas Holdcroft

If you have a topic or question you would like answered, please drop me an email and I will endeavour to answer it in upcoming newsletters.

See you in 2011,

If you think someone you know might enjoy reading this newsletter, please forward it to them.
Questions or comments? E-mail us at rj@stitt.com.au or phone 0437 601 550

or check out my FaceBook fan page at http://www.facebook.com/overcoming.overwhelm

When we follow our truth we are always in the place where we recognise opportunities and experiences that draw us into our fullest potential and depth of our love.

26 August 2010

How Much Do You VALUE Yourself?

Robyn Stitt, Overwhelm Consultant 0437 601 550

Hi to all,

I certainly hope you are all staying warm (if in the Southern Hemisphere). We’ve had some very cold weather here in Strathalbyn recently, but rest assured my clinic rooms are beautiful and warm, just what you want when de-stressing or relaxing. It is also the time for snuggle-up comfort foods and I enjoy these too, but remember to watch your portion sizes and sugar intake, or you might just end up more tired than before. I have been busy not just in clinic and with the family, but also studying again, something which I love.
What do you love to do?

On another note, you’ll be pleased to know that I’ve negotiated with the owner of BodySense (Sharon) to not have the nail tech and I there on the same day- so those of you that are sensitive to the smell of nail polish can rest assured you don’t have to smell it any more when coming for your Tuesday appointment. Thanks Sharon, it only took a quiet discussion to find a win-win resolution to the problem.

How could your life be made a bit easier by negotiation? Call me if you need some assistance 0437 601 550.

Self Esteem- How Much do you Value Yourself?

I heard a fabulous little acronym the other day-
FLY. Fall in Love with Yourself.

I think it’s so simple, yet so powerful.

Think about it- I want to fly- seems impossible, yet it can be done- you need some pilot training and lots of practice. And you can fall in love with yourself too, with training and practice. How would it feel to be in love with yourself? Content, satisfied, whole, confident. You’d certainly not feel guilty looking after this gorgeous body, would you- feed it great quality foods, allow it to get as much sleep as it needed, surround it with beautiful things.

Sounds pretty good doesn’t it?
You can do this and it starts with VALUING yourself as much, if not more, than those around you. Making your needs as important as everyone else’s. Where do you place yourself in the priority list?

I help many clients raise their ‘self-value’ and the results are so rewarding, to see the improvements in their relationships and general health makes my heart sing.
You can start today with the following phrase, “I love myself, I am worth loving” Yes, you’ll probably feel silly saying it to begin with, but just like flying, with practice, you’ll eventually begin to believe it and then the world is your oyster!
More specifics in regards to this issue can be addressed using Kinesiology, Reiki or a combination of both. How much do you value yourself?

A Different Way of Looking at Things.

I must admit this is a first for me- putting a link to another Blog in mine, but this is brilliant and many of my clients are going through this at the moment- to them, I hope this will explain a little more what and why you are feeling the way you are.

Spiritual Awakening Twelve Signs

So instead of fighting what's going on, embrace it and allow the journey to unfold. Reiki can help ease these feelings and allow your body to transition more calmly- phone today.

This month’s quote…
‎"You cannot teach a man anything; you can only help him find it within himself." - Galileo

If you have a topic or question you would like answered, please drop me an email and I will endeavour to answer it in soon.

See you again,

If you think someone you know might enjoy reading this newsletter, please forward it to them.
To remove or add your name from our mailing list, please email rj@stitt.com.au
Questions or comments? E-mail us at rj@stitt.com.au or phone 0437 601 550

or check out my FaceBook fan page at

When we follow our truth we are always in the place where we recognise opportunities and experiences that draw us into our fullest potential and depth of our love.

22 June 2010

Top 10 Things people Want to Change about Themselves

e-newsletter from Robyn Stitt, Overwhelm Consultant 0437 601 550

Here we are again- this month’s photo is of a very ‘Aussie’ slightly bent- but- still -standing –up ‘Out House’ taken down at Milang.
I often think of this image when a client comes in saying they ‘Just don’t feel quite right’. Still functioning, but don’t push too hard or I might just fall into a big heap of rubble.
How far could you be pushed right now without falling over?
It is important here to remember that each of us is different and what one may survive, another might find challenging. Ah, the complexities of the human being.

I can help you build your coping strategies, read your situation and become more adaptable in your life.

Call today on 0437 601 550 if you feel like you’re only just holding on.

The Top 10 Things People Often Want to Change About Themselves

Recently on my FaceBook Page Overcoming Overwhelm on Facebook, I invited my fans to think about what the Top 10 things would be that people want to change about themselves.
The results were interesting and a little off the mark. So now I’ll set the record straight and put a few people out of their ‘thinking misery’.

1- Be free (or at least have a reduction) of aches and pains. Remember pain in the body is a message trying to be heard and often all drugs do is make the message have to get louder. (revisit last month’s post if you need a reminder on messages)

2- Feel better about themselves. Self-esteem is a huge issue for so many people. It may be in just one part of your life, but it may be wider reaching than that too. Think how you would be if you had the confidence to do whatever you wanted.

3-Their bodies- lose weight, gain shape, be taller, more attractive. To be happy in your own skin is a wonderful feeling.

4-Focus- being able to give your full attention to something and see it through to completion. By not allowing distractions to sway you from your task, you will achieve more.

5-Releasing fears- fear of failure, fear of success, fear of spiders, heights, crowds. Fears stop you doing things. What could you achieve if there was no fear?

6- To have more energy- I’d really like to do that but I can’t be bothered, I’m so tired. If energy was no boundary, what would you do today?

7- Be sure of themselves- to doubt is to hesitate, playing the ‘what-if’ game. Imagine knowing what you want and going for it.

8- Have clear boundaries (and sticking to them) - if you mean NO, say NO. Don’t allow yourself to be persuaded or bullied into doing something you really don’t want to do.

9- To not feel guilty about everything- you can’t please everyone in the world, so please the most important one- YOU!

10- Generally function better- to have your body operating at its peak- getting the most out of what you eat, having good quality sleep, enjoying life.

And you know what?
Most of these issues can be addressed using Kinesiology, Reiki or a combination of both.

What would you like to change about yourself?

Anyone been watching the Soccer World Cup?….

A lot has been said about the quality of the refereeing (especially for the Australian games) at this year’s World Cup. But let’s just think about it for a while.
It depends on who the rostered referee is for any particular game. It depends on which team you are supporting. It could even depend on the day!

To be truly fair, all the games should be ‘reffed’ by the same referee for consistency’s sake. But that is a logistical nightmare and the competition would take months, not weeks.
And just like the soccer, life isn’t always the ‘best case scenario’ is it? We have to play our cards (the situations and circumstances we find ourselves in) to the best of our ability. Sure better cards would be nice, but there might not be any to be had right now.

Does whinging about it change what’s happened, change your cards, change the referee’s decision? No, but changing the way you observe the situation sure can alter how you feel about the whole thing. Pull your socks up and keep going. Make the best of whatever situation you are in, do your best and then next round, you might just get that unbeatable deal you’ve been after for a while.

If you find yourself ‘seeing the world through grey tinted glasses’, maybe a visit to the ‘outlook optometrist’ might just alter you view of things. I’m not expecting anyone to go all ‘rosy’ on me, but to be objective and see the world as it truly is (reality).

This month’s quote…
"Attitudes are contagious. Is yours worth catching?” Thanks to Liz for that one.

If you have a topic or question you would like answered, please drop me an email and I will endeavour to answer it in upcoming newsletters.

See you again,


If you think someone you know might enjoy reading this newsletter, please forward it to them.
To remove or add your name from our mailing list, please email rj@stitt.com.au

Questions or comments? E-mail us at rj@stitt.com.au or phone 0437 601 550

check out my FaceBook fan page at http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Overcoming-Overwhelm/106912325996960?ref=ts

When we follow our truth we are always in the place where we recognise opportunities and experiences that draw us into our fullest potential and depth of our love.

29 May 2010

Have you got a Frying Pan belting you over the Head?

Overcoming Overwhelm Newsletter – June 2010

e-newsletter from Robyn Stitt, Overwhelm Consultant 0437 601 550

Welcome again to another edition of my newsletter. This month’s photo is of a lovely friend’s sailing boat we were lucky enough to go out on recently. The weather wasn’t as nice as this photo, but just like life, everyday isn’t smooth sailing, is it? The easy days are just that- easy, but it’s how you conduct yourself and survive the rough ones that show you your true character and strength. To be adaptable and respond to whatever life throws at you is a wonderful attribute, as is knowing when to return to shore. We certainly took our hats off to Jessica Watson after our hour on the high seas.
How would you cope in a storm?

I can help you build your coping strategies, read your situation and become more adaptable in your life. Call today on 0437 601 550 if you feel like you’re riding a storm without your rudder.

Body, Mind, Psychic Expo

>Next weekend (June 5 and 6) is the annual Body, Mind and Psychic Expo held at Wayville Showgrounds in Adelaide. It’s open from 10-6 each day.
I will be there as part of the Australian Kinesiology Association (SA Branch) stall as I do each year. Sunday’s the day if you want to see me in the flesh. I’d love to see you!
We (as an association) love spreading the word about Kinesiology and how it can assist in so many ways. We are offering 15 minute introductory sessions for the bargain price of only $20- what a great way to experience this wonderful stuff.

The Frying Pan Over the Head….

Anyone watching the news at the moment could be excused for thinking something serious is happening- volcanoes erupting, oil spewing from the ocean floor, locust plagues and floods. Our environment is trying to tell us something important, and it seems we aren’t listening.
The same can occur in our own bodies- have you ever experienced what I term ‘the frying pan over your head’ trying to make you listen?
I know I have. It took my consciousness many times to finally ‘hear’ what my body had been trying to tell me for a long time. It had started as a whisper, increased to a gentle nudge, a shove and finally resorted to ‘the frying pan over my head’ until I stopped and took notice. If only I’d listened to the whisper, what hardships I would have saved myself from suffering through.

So what gets in the way of these messages?
All sorts of things can ‘talk over the top’ of what we really should be listening to- a too busy lifestyle with not enough quiet reflection time; masking these messages (which can often present as niggly aches or pains) with over the counter drugs like paracetemol; even the plain old ‘if I ignore it then it will go away’ strategy. If you are currently doing any of these things, then the messages not being heard will have to get louder so that you will eventually take notice.
Take it from me (and I speak with the vision of hind-sight here) it is much easier to listen to a whisper than having to wait until the message is being yelled at volume 10 in your ear 24 hours a day.

This month’s quote…
"Use things but love others.” Short and sweet, one of my favourites.

If you have a topic or question you would like answered, please drop me an email and I will endeavour to answer it in upcoming newsletters.

See you again,


Questions or comments? E-mail us at rj@stitt.com.au or phone 0437 601 550

When we follow our truth we are always in the place where we recognise opportunities and experiences that draw us into our fullest potential and depth of our love.

4 March 2010

Traditional Chinese Medicine and how it can help you in YOUR LIFE.

e-newsletter from Robyn Stitt, Overwhelm Consultant 0437 601 550

Hi, and yes there was no newsletter for February. A family situation took up my extra time and I thank all of you who shared your love and thoughts with me during this time. I truly appreciate each and every one of you.
But I’m back on track and here is my next instalment on Overcoming Overwhelm. After receiving positive feedback on my introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine theory, I thought I’d challenge you a little more, looking now at the 5 elements that make up all that surrounds us. Knowledge is power and by understanding and acknowledging your own body, you can face the challenges life throws at you from time to time much easier. If you would like further explanation, or a consultation to help with understanding your body, don’t hesitate to phone me. Life really doesn’t have to be hard work all the time.

The 5 Elements (and how it all fits together).

I suggest you re-read this a few times to help it sink in…..

Traditional Chinese Medicine theory divides our world into 5 different, yet connected elements….. FIRE, EARTH, METAL, WATER and WOOD.>
Within these elements are the Yin and Yang as discussed last time, but also emotions, organs, the environment and everything!
These 5 elements are connected in 2 equally important cycles- constructive and destructive. And we need both to maintain a healthy balance.

FIRE feeds EARTH (ash becomes soil), EARTH feeds METAL (soil over time becomes metal or rock), METAL feeds WATER (water filters through rock and metal to improve its quality), WATER feeds WOOD (obvious) and WOOD feeds FIRE (again, obvious).

FIRE controls METAL (by melting it), METAL controls WOOD (an axe will cut it), WOOD controls EARTH (plants break through the soil), EARTH controls WATER (think of a dam), WATER controls FIRE (obvious).

But what’s it all mean and how can it apply to your life? Good question.

Well, we all know that plants die if not watered properly or are planted in poor quality soil- apply the same principles to you. With help, you can recognize where you are in this cycle and therefore learn to nurture yourself to keep moving around the cycle. Being true to yourself helps others nurture you too. Take for example, if you are in the Metal place (and therefore need Earth to nurture), but outwardly act in Fire (seem to need Wood to be nurtured) when those around you give you Wood, they are keeping you ‘stuck’ in Metal instead of helping you move along to Water etc.
This, I hope, will assist you in recognising that HONESTY is your best friend in giving those around you a clear indication of your true self.

This month’s quote…
Know where you're going in life...you may already be there!!


When we follow our truth we are always in the place where we recognise opportunities and experiences that draw us into our fullest potential and depth of our love.

26 January 2010

Appreciating Differences

Overcoming Overwhelm Newsletter – January 2010
e-newsletter from Robyn Stitt, Overwhelm Consultant 0437 601 550

Welcome to my first newsletter for 2010!
I hope this finds you well rested and ready to head into the new year. We enjoyed a quiet Xmas, just what the doctor ordered to recharge our collective batteries. Many people at this time of year review the year that was and set their goals for the coming one. What are your goals? Where would you like to be at the end of 2010? Imagine how satisfying it will be to look back and see the wonder of the journey. What are your chances of achieving these goals? Do you need some assistance in keeping you on track, from giving up when the going gets tough? That’s where I can help in dissolving self-limiting beliefs so that you truly can achieve anything you want.>
I thought we’d start the year on a theoretical note with an explanation of the differences between the sexes, different organs in our bodies, Yin/Yang and Traditional Chinese Medicine Theory stuff. I hope you find it interesting, let me know if it’s all too confusing.

Appreciating the differences in the world.
I must thank a wonderful friend of mine, Trevor for this explanation.
We were discussing Traditional Chinese Medicine theory one day and his view was so simple I feel I must share it with you…..

We have all heard of Yin and Yang, but what’s it all about? Balance in a nut-shell.
Shades of grey, opposites that work as a team. And more importantly how to care for each facet.
Take for example the traditional male and female roles and combine these with our internal organs.
Yin is female and the Yin organs are the heart, spleen, kidneys, liver and lungs. Yang is male and the Yang organs are the small and large intestines, bladder, gall bladder and stomach.
All well and good, but what is the significance? I hear you ask.

Well, think of the way men operate and how this ties in with these organs.
The Yang organs work when we need them to, not all the time, but intensely when required, they jump to attention- to digest our food or store and release the urine produced. They work in bursts but then need a rest to recover. Men love to work hard and all they ask for is half an hour of recovery time. Imagine how your stomach would feel if you just kept eating and eating without any rests?

Now think about the Yin organs and the traditional female role.
Our hearts, kidneys, liver, spleen and lungs work continuously without complaint, hour after hour, day after day, slowly plodding along keeping us alive. The traditional female, mother role is also quite continual, often thankless, into the night to keep the house operating. A gentle word of appreciation and we’ll happily keep going.

It may sound sexist, but this really is how we are- with shades of grey of course- all men have some female aspects to their make-up and all females have some male traits, but on the whole, this theory holds. In today’s society the two roles are adapting, but the inherent makeup of both men and women still remains the same. By understanding the differences between each other and knowing how we can show our thanks, better relationships all round will result.

Different way of looking at it, isn’t it?
Traditional Chinese Medicine is the basis of Kinesiology and acknowledges the relationships that exist between every part of our bodies, every part of nature and the balance, or imbalance that exists. It is complex but simple, fascinating and can shed light on why we do certain things in certain situations. I truly love it.

This month’s quote…

The ship may be safer in the harbour, but it wasn’t designed for that. Where is your ship?


When we follow our truth we are always in the place where we recognise opportunities and experiences that draw us into our fullest potential and depth of our love.