11 September 2009

Looking for a Guest Speaker?

Overcoming Overwhelm Newsletter – September 2009
e-newsletter from Robyn Stitt, Overwhelm Consultant 0437 601 550

Do you like my photo?

I’ve decided to put a photo I have taken in each month’s newsletter, now that I’ve got my new camera. Photography is another of my passions. I’m not an expert, and would rather take photos of trees, old buildings and grains of sand than people, but we’re all different.

This month’s photo I took on a visit to Milang with my family.
I like how it shows the layers or levels that the water has been then smooth, even sand at the bottom. I think of this photo as symbolising what my treatments do- peel back the layers of your issue one by one until your energy is balanced or smooth.
What level are you at?

Would you like a talk on Overwhelm, Communication or General Wellness?

My diary is starting to have a few free spaces in it for talks again before Xmas.

If you, or some group you belong to, would like an evening of fun and learning, give me a call or email to discuss your needs. You’ll get to understand yourself better; look at things differently to how you might have always done; take home useful information to use and even the chance to WIN some free treatment for yourself or a family member or friend!
I can accommodate a day or evening option.

Phone 0437 601 550 for more details.

Early Bird Registration Ends Soon!

The cut-off date for Early Bird Price for the “Who’s Really Number 1?” Retreat Day is rapidly approaching.

Date - Saturday 14th November!!
Time – 8am – 6pm. No late-comers, you must be willing to make this commitment to yourself and be on time!
Venue - Victor Harbour. On the beautiful south coast of Adelaide. (exact address given once registered)

Cost - only $179. Due September 30th
Please forward your name along with cash or cheque to Robyn Stitt PO Box 920 Strathalbyn to secure your attendance.

“Good food, good company and good energy.”

On the program is-

Yoga- to stretch and invigorate the body,
Sound Healing session to soothe the soul and ears,
Session on ‘The Law of Attraction’- you’ve probably heard about it. But what does it mean and how do you put it into practice and make it work for you?
Self-Sabotage Releasing Ceremony including a Labyrinth Walk- if you’ve never done one of these before (and even if you have) the results can be nothing short of amazing and it’s a wonderful experience to boot!

There will be time throughout the day for self reflection, talking with others, walking on the beach etc and you can do as little or as much as you wish.

Places will be limited to a maximum of 12.
First in, best dressed- once the places are filled, no extras will be accommodated.
Get in quick. It should be great.

This month’s quote…
“A truly happy person is one who can enjoy the scenery on a detour.”

If you have a topic or question you would like answered, please drop me an email and I will endeavour to answer it in upcoming newsletters.

Til next time,

If you think someone you know might enjoy reading this newsletter, please forward it to them.

To remove or add your name from our mailing list, please email rj@stitt.com.au
Questions or comments? E-mail us at rj@stitt.com.au or phone 0437 601 550

When we follow our truth we are always in the place where we recognise opportunities and experiences that draw us into our fullest potential and depth of our love.