Small Stresses become Overwhelming- Overcoming Overwhelm Newsletter – December 2009
e-newsletter from Robyn Stitt, Overwhelm Consultant 0437 601 550
Hi again!
Can you believe it’s December already? Functions, parties call us and add to our busy lifestyles. If you would like to refresh your memory on my tips for surviving Xmas, check out last December’s newsletter - tips for surviving Xmas
We have been extremely fortunate to have witnessed the transformation of our tadpoles into tiny frogs- I see the new year as a similar situation where many of us endeavour to undertake changes in our lives. While change can be scary, it can also be wonderful. If the fear is preventing you from taking the plunge from ‘tadpole-hood’ to’ frog-dom’ let me help you reveal your true identity. I am consulting through January, so call to make your appointment.
How small stresses can lead to overwhelm.
If I raised a glass of water and asked 'How heavy is this glass of water?' What would you say?Answers may range from 20g to 500g- it depends on the size of the glass. But, the absolute weight doesn't matter. It depends on how long you try to hold it..
If I hold it for a minute, that's not a problem. If I hold it for an hour, I'll have an ache in my right arm. If I hold it for a day, you'll have to call an ambulance. In each case, it's the same weight, but the longer I hold it, the heavier it becomes.
And that's the way it is with stress in our lives. If we carry our burdens all the time, sooner or later, As the burden becomes increasingly heavy, We won't be able to carry on.
As with the glass of water, You have to put it down for a while and rest before holding it again. When we're refreshed, we can carry on with the burden.
Whatever burdens you're carrying now, Let them down for a moment if you can. Put down anything that may be a burden to you right now.
Don't pick it up again until after you've rested a while, and only if you really need to pick it up again.
Maybe its time to leave it where you put it.
I can help you ‘put things down’ that may seem stuck to your hand.
This month’s quote…
The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the most of everything that comes along their way. The brightest future will always be based on a forgotten past; you can't go forward in life until you let go of your past failures and heartaches.
See you again in 2010,
When we follow our truth we are always in the place where we recognise opportunities and experiences that draw us into our fullest potential and depth of our love.
6 December 2009
Robyn Stitt,
2 November 2009
Tips for Exams - Overcoming Overwhelm Newsletter – November 2009
e-newsletter from Robyn Stitt, Overwhelm Consultant 0437 601 550
Hi again!
This month I’m putting my newsletter out a bit early so that I can offer some tips for those of you who are doing, or are living with someone who is doing, exams at this time of year. Exams are very stressful and even the most ‘cool, calm and collected’ of us can experience episodes of ‘tired and emotional’, panic, doubt or general melt-down.
Those studying can be tempted to burn the midnight oil only to find themselves too tired the next day to function efficiently and maybe even pick up germs that otherwise would bounce off us.
Read my tips below and if you are still feeling overwhelmed or just want some chill-out time call for an appointment to get you back on top again.
5 Tips for Surviving Exams.
1. Keep as ‘normal as possible’ routine - Don’t forgo everything for study- it won’t sink in. If you play sport or have a part-time job, keep doing it.
2. Sleep- sounds simple, but going to bed at a reasonable hour and getting enough sleep will enable you to have much more effective studying the next day. Especially the night before an exam, get a good night’s sleep so you can conquer the nerves early on and do your best in the exam
3. Eat well- another simple approach to effective survival of a very stressful time of your life. Breakfast, lunch and dinner- protein, carbs, fruit and veg- the occasional treat. Eat with your family, they will help you to maintain your sense of belonging and support.
4. Limit or eliminate ‘Stimulants’- coffee, sports drinks, sugary soft drinks, chocolate let alone heavier stimulants all overload your body giving a short-lived high only to leave you lower than you started, so opt for nuts or a walk to help keep you focussed.
5. Get some exercise- whether it’s going for a walk or a swim, playing sport, doing yoga, whatever- don’t spend all of your swat-vac and times between exam sitting at a desk stiffening up. You’ll end up lethargic and hunched. If you really can’t afford time out to go for a 30 minute break, at least stand up and stretch your body every couple of hours, you’ll feel better for it.
The differences between the different modalities I use.
A common question I am asked in clinic and when talking to a person about Overwhelm and Wellness is “What is it that you do?”
The simple answer is, “I use results-based therapies drawn from ancient and modern holistic modalities from around the world.” Read on to find out more….
At today’s fast pace of life, stress (a much overused word), is something that is thrown towards us almost constantly. Your ability to deal with negative stress directly corresponds to your own wellness. Increasing stresses often have a detrimental affect on your physical and emotional self. My goal is to bring you back into balance using these different modalities so that your current stress load is decreased.
Kinesiology is a totally customised treatment modality combining gentle, western style muscle monitoring with ancient Chinese philosophy, acupressure and natural therapies enabling busy, stressed people to get their lives back on track. Non-invasive and relaxing, clients often leave feeling lighter and more able to take on the outside world.
Reiki is a relaxing, touch-based therapy which can be enjoyed even if you are too sore for a massage. It calms both the mind and body allowing deep healing. A Reiki session can include an aromatherapy foot massage utilising essential oil blends to reduce tension, detox the body or increase energy levels, it depends what you want from your session.
Ear candling is an ancient ritual seen in many different cultures, from India, China, North America even the Australian Aborigines. Gentle and relaxing, it draws debris from the ear canal, can reduce sinus and head pressure or relieve hay-fever symptoms. Once again, it depends what you want from your session.
I can give you a personalised combination of all of these modalities, or you can choose what you want. How many other practitioners allow you to choose your own treatment?
This month’s quote…
'Love is what makes you smile when you're tired.'
Til next time,
When we follow our truth we are always in the place where we recognise opportunities and experiences that draw us into our fullest potential and depth of our love.
e-newsletter from Robyn Stitt, Overwhelm Consultant 0437 601 550
Hi again!
This month I’m putting my newsletter out a bit early so that I can offer some tips for those of you who are doing, or are living with someone who is doing, exams at this time of year. Exams are very stressful and even the most ‘cool, calm and collected’ of us can experience episodes of ‘tired and emotional’, panic, doubt or general melt-down.
Those studying can be tempted to burn the midnight oil only to find themselves too tired the next day to function efficiently and maybe even pick up germs that otherwise would bounce off us.
Read my tips below and if you are still feeling overwhelmed or just want some chill-out time call for an appointment to get you back on top again.
5 Tips for Surviving Exams.
1. Keep as ‘normal as possible’ routine - Don’t forgo everything for study- it won’t sink in. If you play sport or have a part-time job, keep doing it.
2. Sleep- sounds simple, but going to bed at a reasonable hour and getting enough sleep will enable you to have much more effective studying the next day. Especially the night before an exam, get a good night’s sleep so you can conquer the nerves early on and do your best in the exam
3. Eat well- another simple approach to effective survival of a very stressful time of your life. Breakfast, lunch and dinner- protein, carbs, fruit and veg- the occasional treat. Eat with your family, they will help you to maintain your sense of belonging and support.
4. Limit or eliminate ‘Stimulants’- coffee, sports drinks, sugary soft drinks, chocolate let alone heavier stimulants all overload your body giving a short-lived high only to leave you lower than you started, so opt for nuts or a walk to help keep you focussed.
5. Get some exercise- whether it’s going for a walk or a swim, playing sport, doing yoga, whatever- don’t spend all of your swat-vac and times between exam sitting at a desk stiffening up. You’ll end up lethargic and hunched. If you really can’t afford time out to go for a 30 minute break, at least stand up and stretch your body every couple of hours, you’ll feel better for it.
The differences between the different modalities I use.
A common question I am asked in clinic and when talking to a person about Overwhelm and Wellness is “What is it that you do?”
The simple answer is, “I use results-based therapies drawn from ancient and modern holistic modalities from around the world.” Read on to find out more….
At today’s fast pace of life, stress (a much overused word), is something that is thrown towards us almost constantly. Your ability to deal with negative stress directly corresponds to your own wellness. Increasing stresses often have a detrimental affect on your physical and emotional self. My goal is to bring you back into balance using these different modalities so that your current stress load is decreased.
Kinesiology is a totally customised treatment modality combining gentle, western style muscle monitoring with ancient Chinese philosophy, acupressure and natural therapies enabling busy, stressed people to get their lives back on track. Non-invasive and relaxing, clients often leave feeling lighter and more able to take on the outside world.
Reiki is a relaxing, touch-based therapy which can be enjoyed even if you are too sore for a massage. It calms both the mind and body allowing deep healing. A Reiki session can include an aromatherapy foot massage utilising essential oil blends to reduce tension, detox the body or increase energy levels, it depends what you want from your session.
Ear candling is an ancient ritual seen in many different cultures, from India, China, North America even the Australian Aborigines. Gentle and relaxing, it draws debris from the ear canal, can reduce sinus and head pressure or relieve hay-fever symptoms. Once again, it depends what you want from your session.
I can give you a personalised combination of all of these modalities, or you can choose what you want. How many other practitioners allow you to choose your own treatment?
This month’s quote…
'Love is what makes you smile when you're tired.'
Til next time,
When we follow our truth we are always in the place where we recognise opportunities and experiences that draw us into our fullest potential and depth of our love.
"Ear candling",
"tips for surviving exams",
looking after yourself,
Robyn Stitt
8 October 2009
Overcoming Overwhelm- what is it?
People have been asking me, ‘What exactly is Overwhelm?’
Well, think of it like this… If some aspect of your life is lacking, causing you to lose sleep, or have thoughts circling around your head all day, you’re probably experiencing some form of Overwhelm.
You might be extremely successful in many areas of your life, but question the value of it when another part isn’t up to that standard.
Some people describe being too emotional, some not enough. Some know what they want but don’t know how to get there while others admit they wouldn’t recognise when they have reached their goal. Some people are filled with regret and seem stuck in the past while others are too busy planning for the future to enjoy today.
If any of this sounds familiar, it doesn’t mean you’re a failure, just in need of some assistance in getting the most out of ALL facets so that you can live a truly fulfilled life.
More flexibility.
If finding the time to deal with your overwhelming life has been difficult, I’m pleased to announce greater flexibility in getting an appointment to see me.
I can now offer appointments Monday, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays during the day and also Tuesday evenings. So don’t let a busy schedule stop you from looking after YOU, call now to find a convenient time.
What is information and what is marketing?
This month I thought we’d discuss the overwhelming amount of information we are bombarded with every day and try to decipher what it’s all about.
Think about the conflicting messages we are sent and let’s look at who is sending them. Think about how the messages change from one time to another- we all want to do what’s best for us and our family, but they keep changing the message!
I remember when my son Shaun was small, the recommendation was that from 6 months you should brush your child’s teeth with a small amount of toothpaste each day- fine, did that- What a good mother I am. BUT- a few years later when I had Natalie, they’d changed the recommendations and mothers were then told not to use toothpaste until the child was 2 years old! Had I done the wrong thing by Shaun, should I feel guilty that he’d had toothpaste? No, the information was out of date; we can simply do the best of our knowledge with the information at the time and use our own common sense.
Take for example, the dietary recommendations put forward.
We are told we should eat red meat several times per week. Who is sending this message? The Red Meat Corporation.
Who tells us to drink 3 serves of Dairy per day? The Dairy Corporation.
Then the one that really gets me at the moment is the ‘Anti-bacterial Sprays’ currently all over the media- do we really need them? No, most of the bacteria they kill are harmless anyway. It is marketing and the company want out make money out of you. They use the emotions of fear and guilt to ‘make you’ feel that you can’t live without their products.
Is this scientific data or marketing? It’s difficult to tell the difference sometimes.
What about all the other messages we are being told day after day? What can we do about it?
My advice is to get as balanced a view as possible- listen to both sides of any story and form your own opinion.
Early Bird Registration Extended!
I have decided to EXTEND the cut-off date for Early Bird Price for the “Who’s Really Number 1?” retreat day until October 14th due to the school holidays.
Date - Saturday 14th November!!
Time – 8am – 6pm. No late-comers, you must be willing to make this commitment to yourself and be on time!
Venue - Victor Harbour. On the beautiful south coast of Adelaide. (exact address given once registered)
Cost - only $179 if paid before 14th October- then becomes $339.
Please forward your name along with cash or cheque to Robyn Stitt PO Box 920 Strathalbyn to secure your attendance.
“Good food, good company and good energy.”
On the program is-
Yoga- to stretch and invigorate the body,
Sound Healing session to soothe the soul and ears,
Session on ‘The Law of Attraction’- you’ve probably heard about it. But what does it mean and how do you put it into practice and make it work for you?
Self-Sabotage Releasing Ceremony including a Labyrinth Walk- if you’ve never done one of these before (and even if you have) the results can be nothing short of amazing and it’s a wonderful experience to boot!
There will be time throughout the day for self reflection, talking with others, walking on the beach etc and you can do as little or as much as you wish.
Places will be limited to a maximum of 12.
First in, best dressed- once the places are filled, no extras will be accommodated.
Get in quick. It should be great.
This month’s quote…
‘Life is all about choices, when you cut away all the junk, every situation is a choice’
If you have a topic or question you would like answered, please drop me an email and I will endeavour to answer it in upcoming newsletters.
Til next time,
Well, think of it like this… If some aspect of your life is lacking, causing you to lose sleep, or have thoughts circling around your head all day, you’re probably experiencing some form of Overwhelm.
You might be extremely successful in many areas of your life, but question the value of it when another part isn’t up to that standard.
Some people describe being too emotional, some not enough. Some know what they want but don’t know how to get there while others admit they wouldn’t recognise when they have reached their goal. Some people are filled with regret and seem stuck in the past while others are too busy planning for the future to enjoy today.
If any of this sounds familiar, it doesn’t mean you’re a failure, just in need of some assistance in getting the most out of ALL facets so that you can live a truly fulfilled life.
More flexibility.
If finding the time to deal with your overwhelming life has been difficult, I’m pleased to announce greater flexibility in getting an appointment to see me.
I can now offer appointments Monday, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays during the day and also Tuesday evenings. So don’t let a busy schedule stop you from looking after YOU, call now to find a convenient time.
What is information and what is marketing?
This month I thought we’d discuss the overwhelming amount of information we are bombarded with every day and try to decipher what it’s all about.
Think about the conflicting messages we are sent and let’s look at who is sending them. Think about how the messages change from one time to another- we all want to do what’s best for us and our family, but they keep changing the message!
I remember when my son Shaun was small, the recommendation was that from 6 months you should brush your child’s teeth with a small amount of toothpaste each day- fine, did that- What a good mother I am. BUT- a few years later when I had Natalie, they’d changed the recommendations and mothers were then told not to use toothpaste until the child was 2 years old! Had I done the wrong thing by Shaun, should I feel guilty that he’d had toothpaste? No, the information was out of date; we can simply do the best of our knowledge with the information at the time and use our own common sense.
Take for example, the dietary recommendations put forward.
We are told we should eat red meat several times per week. Who is sending this message? The Red Meat Corporation.
Who tells us to drink 3 serves of Dairy per day? The Dairy Corporation.
Then the one that really gets me at the moment is the ‘Anti-bacterial Sprays’ currently all over the media- do we really need them? No, most of the bacteria they kill are harmless anyway. It is marketing and the company want out make money out of you. They use the emotions of fear and guilt to ‘make you’ feel that you can’t live without their products.
Is this scientific data or marketing? It’s difficult to tell the difference sometimes.
What about all the other messages we are being told day after day? What can we do about it?
My advice is to get as balanced a view as possible- listen to both sides of any story and form your own opinion.
Early Bird Registration Extended!
I have decided to EXTEND the cut-off date for Early Bird Price for the “Who’s Really Number 1?” retreat day until October 14th due to the school holidays.
Date - Saturday 14th November!!
Time – 8am – 6pm. No late-comers, you must be willing to make this commitment to yourself and be on time!
Venue - Victor Harbour. On the beautiful south coast of Adelaide. (exact address given once registered)
Cost - only $179 if paid before 14th October- then becomes $339.
Please forward your name along with cash or cheque to Robyn Stitt PO Box 920 Strathalbyn to secure your attendance.
“Good food, good company and good energy.”
On the program is-
Yoga- to stretch and invigorate the body,
Sound Healing session to soothe the soul and ears,
Session on ‘The Law of Attraction’- you’ve probably heard about it. But what does it mean and how do you put it into practice and make it work for you?
Self-Sabotage Releasing Ceremony including a Labyrinth Walk- if you’ve never done one of these before (and even if you have) the results can be nothing short of amazing and it’s a wonderful experience to boot!
There will be time throughout the day for self reflection, talking with others, walking on the beach etc and you can do as little or as much as you wish.
Places will be limited to a maximum of 12.
First in, best dressed- once the places are filled, no extras will be accommodated.
Get in quick. It should be great.
This month’s quote…
‘Life is all about choices, when you cut away all the junk, every situation is a choice’
If you have a topic or question you would like answered, please drop me an email and I will endeavour to answer it in upcoming newsletters.
Til next time,
'Who's Really Number One?',
marketing vs information,
retreat day,
Robyn Stitt
11 September 2009
Looking for a Guest Speaker?
Overcoming Overwhelm Newsletter – September 2009
e-newsletter from Robyn Stitt, Overwhelm Consultant 0437 601 550
Do you like my photo?
I’ve decided to put a photo I have taken in each month’s newsletter, now that I’ve got my new camera. Photography is another of my passions. I’m not an expert, and would rather take photos of trees, old buildings and grains of sand than people, but we’re all different.
This month’s photo I took on a visit to Milang with my family.
I like how it shows the layers or levels that the water has been then smooth, even sand at the bottom. I think of this photo as symbolising what my treatments do- peel back the layers of your issue one by one until your energy is balanced or smooth.
What level are you at?
Would you like a talk on Overwhelm, Communication or General Wellness?
My diary is starting to have a few free spaces in it for talks again before Xmas.
If you, or some group you belong to, would like an evening of fun and learning, give me a call or email to discuss your needs. You’ll get to understand yourself better; look at things differently to how you might have always done; take home useful information to use and even the chance to WIN some free treatment for yourself or a family member or friend!
I can accommodate a day or evening option.
Phone 0437 601 550 for more details.
Early Bird Registration Ends Soon!
The cut-off date for Early Bird Price for the “Who’s Really Number 1?” Retreat Day is rapidly approaching.
Date - Saturday 14th November!!
Time – 8am – 6pm. No late-comers, you must be willing to make this commitment to yourself and be on time!
Venue - Victor Harbour. On the beautiful south coast of Adelaide. (exact address given once registered)
Cost - only $179. Due September 30th
Please forward your name along with cash or cheque to Robyn Stitt PO Box 920 Strathalbyn to secure your attendance.
“Good food, good company and good energy.”
On the program is-
Yoga- to stretch and invigorate the body,
Sound Healing session to soothe the soul and ears,
Session on ‘The Law of Attraction’- you’ve probably heard about it. But what does it mean and how do you put it into practice and make it work for you?
Self-Sabotage Releasing Ceremony including a Labyrinth Walk- if you’ve never done one of these before (and even if you have) the results can be nothing short of amazing and it’s a wonderful experience to boot!
There will be time throughout the day for self reflection, talking with others, walking on the beach etc and you can do as little or as much as you wish.
Places will be limited to a maximum of 12.
First in, best dressed- once the places are filled, no extras will be accommodated.
Get in quick. It should be great.
This month’s quote…
“A truly happy person is one who can enjoy the scenery on a detour.”
If you have a topic or question you would like answered, please drop me an email and I will endeavour to answer it in upcoming newsletters.
Til next time,
If you think someone you know might enjoy reading this newsletter, please forward it to them.
To remove or add your name from our mailing list, please email
Questions or comments? E-mail us at or phone 0437 601 550
When we follow our truth we are always in the place where we recognise opportunities and experiences that draw us into our fullest potential and depth of our love.
e-newsletter from Robyn Stitt, Overwhelm Consultant 0437 601 550
Do you like my photo?
I’ve decided to put a photo I have taken in each month’s newsletter, now that I’ve got my new camera. Photography is another of my passions. I’m not an expert, and would rather take photos of trees, old buildings and grains of sand than people, but we’re all different.
This month’s photo I took on a visit to Milang with my family.
I like how it shows the layers or levels that the water has been then smooth, even sand at the bottom. I think of this photo as symbolising what my treatments do- peel back the layers of your issue one by one until your energy is balanced or smooth.
What level are you at?
Would you like a talk on Overwhelm, Communication or General Wellness?
My diary is starting to have a few free spaces in it for talks again before Xmas.
If you, or some group you belong to, would like an evening of fun and learning, give me a call or email to discuss your needs. You’ll get to understand yourself better; look at things differently to how you might have always done; take home useful information to use and even the chance to WIN some free treatment for yourself or a family member or friend!
I can accommodate a day or evening option.
Phone 0437 601 550 for more details.
Early Bird Registration Ends Soon!
The cut-off date for Early Bird Price for the “Who’s Really Number 1?” Retreat Day is rapidly approaching.
Date - Saturday 14th November!!
Time – 8am – 6pm. No late-comers, you must be willing to make this commitment to yourself and be on time!
Venue - Victor Harbour. On the beautiful south coast of Adelaide. (exact address given once registered)
Cost - only $179. Due September 30th
Please forward your name along with cash or cheque to Robyn Stitt PO Box 920 Strathalbyn to secure your attendance.
“Good food, good company and good energy.”
On the program is-
Yoga- to stretch and invigorate the body,
Sound Healing session to soothe the soul and ears,
Session on ‘The Law of Attraction’- you’ve probably heard about it. But what does it mean and how do you put it into practice and make it work for you?
Self-Sabotage Releasing Ceremony including a Labyrinth Walk- if you’ve never done one of these before (and even if you have) the results can be nothing short of amazing and it’s a wonderful experience to boot!
There will be time throughout the day for self reflection, talking with others, walking on the beach etc and you can do as little or as much as you wish.
Places will be limited to a maximum of 12.
First in, best dressed- once the places are filled, no extras will be accommodated.
Get in quick. It should be great.
This month’s quote…
“A truly happy person is one who can enjoy the scenery on a detour.”
If you have a topic or question you would like answered, please drop me an email and I will endeavour to answer it in upcoming newsletters.
Til next time,
If you think someone you know might enjoy reading this newsletter, please forward it to them.
To remove or add your name from our mailing list, please email
Questions or comments? E-mail us at or phone 0437 601 550
When we follow our truth we are always in the place where we recognise opportunities and experiences that draw us into our fullest potential and depth of our love.
'guest speaker',
retreat day
25 August 2009
My retreat day is announced!
Overcoming Overwhelm Newsletter – August 2009
e-newsletter from Robyn Stitt, Overwhelm Consultant 0437 601 550
It’s August already and here I am again bringing you helpful hints on overcoming overwhelm.
The second workshop I did during July was on Candida.
2 ½ days of it!
Who would have thought you could talk about Candida for that long?
Candida is actually the name given to a group of moulds and yeasts and is SO much more than Thrush. The list of symptoms exceeds 100! Occurring about equally in females AND males, symptoms can include depression, sugar and carb cravings, decreased libido, persistent bladder infections, tiredness the list goes on and on.
Candida thrives when our body’s pH is out of balance which occurs when we are stressed. It’s quite a vicious cycle as having candida present in your body is a stress in itself- just ask anyone who’s had a ‘dose of Thrush’ in the past.
I am now one of only a handful of therapists in SA to be able to assist you in finally ridding your body from this nasty condition. It won’t happen overnight, but it will happen.
Make an appointment for a complimentary assessment; it should only take about 10 minutes.
All Organised Now!
The final preparations are underway and I can now formally announce my “Who’s Really Number 1?” retreat day.
Date - Saturday 14th November!!
Time – 8am – 6pm. No late-comers, you must be willing to make this commitment to yourself and be on time!
Venue - Victor Harbour. On the beautiful south coast of Adelaide. (exact address given once registered)
Cost - only $179. Due September 30th
Please forward your name along with cash or cheque to Robyn Stitt PO Box 920 Strathalbyn to secure your attendance.
You will enjoy good food, good company and good energy.
On the program is Yoga, a Sound Healing, a session on ‘The Law of Attraction- putting it into practice and making it work for you’ and a Self-Sabotage Releasing Ceremony including a Labyrinth Walk. There will be time throughout the day for self reflection, talking with others, walking on the beach etc and you can do as little or as much as you wish.
Places will be limited to a maximum of 12.
First in, best dressed- once the places are filled, no extras will be accommodated.
Get in quick. It should be great.
This month’s quote…
“People change when the pain of staying the same is greater than the pain of change! – don’t wait till then, change now”
~ Sylvia Marina
If you have a topic or question you would like answered, please drop me an email and I will endeavour to answer it in upcoming newsletters.
Til next time,
If you think someone you know might enjoy reading this newsletter, please forward it to them.
To remove or add your name from our mailing list, please email
Questions or comments? E-mail us at or phone 0437 601 550
When we follow our truth we are always in the place where we recognise opportunities and experiences that draw us into our fullest potential and depth of our love.
e-newsletter from Robyn Stitt, Overwhelm Consultant 0437 601 550
It’s August already and here I am again bringing you helpful hints on overcoming overwhelm.
The second workshop I did during July was on Candida.
2 ½ days of it!
Who would have thought you could talk about Candida for that long?
Candida is actually the name given to a group of moulds and yeasts and is SO much more than Thrush. The list of symptoms exceeds 100! Occurring about equally in females AND males, symptoms can include depression, sugar and carb cravings, decreased libido, persistent bladder infections, tiredness the list goes on and on.
Candida thrives when our body’s pH is out of balance which occurs when we are stressed. It’s quite a vicious cycle as having candida present in your body is a stress in itself- just ask anyone who’s had a ‘dose of Thrush’ in the past.
I am now one of only a handful of therapists in SA to be able to assist you in finally ridding your body from this nasty condition. It won’t happen overnight, but it will happen.
Make an appointment for a complimentary assessment; it should only take about 10 minutes.
All Organised Now!
The final preparations are underway and I can now formally announce my “Who’s Really Number 1?” retreat day.
Date - Saturday 14th November!!
Time – 8am – 6pm. No late-comers, you must be willing to make this commitment to yourself and be on time!
Venue - Victor Harbour. On the beautiful south coast of Adelaide. (exact address given once registered)
Cost - only $179. Due September 30th
Please forward your name along with cash or cheque to Robyn Stitt PO Box 920 Strathalbyn to secure your attendance.
You will enjoy good food, good company and good energy.
On the program is Yoga, a Sound Healing, a session on ‘The Law of Attraction- putting it into practice and making it work for you’ and a Self-Sabotage Releasing Ceremony including a Labyrinth Walk. There will be time throughout the day for self reflection, talking with others, walking on the beach etc and you can do as little or as much as you wish.
Places will be limited to a maximum of 12.
First in, best dressed- once the places are filled, no extras will be accommodated.
Get in quick. It should be great.
This month’s quote…
“People change when the pain of staying the same is greater than the pain of change! – don’t wait till then, change now”
~ Sylvia Marina
If you have a topic or question you would like answered, please drop me an email and I will endeavour to answer it in upcoming newsletters.
Til next time,
If you think someone you know might enjoy reading this newsletter, please forward it to them.
To remove or add your name from our mailing list, please email
Questions or comments? E-mail us at or phone 0437 601 550
When we follow our truth we are always in the place where we recognise opportunities and experiences that draw us into our fullest potential and depth of our love.
'Who's Really Number One?',
8 July 2009
Overcoming Overwhelm- my 6 Tips to turn Chaos into Order
Overwhelm Newsletter – July 2009
e-newsletter from Robyn Stitt, Overwhelm Consultant 0437 601 550
If you thought I’d gone quiet for a while, you’re right- I’ve been to two workshops in June/ July and learnt heaps to share with everyone.
This is my new Catch-Cry.
After a review of all my clients, trying to find some commonality amongst them, I’ve found it. Overwhelm.
Whether it’s kids with behaviour problems or learning difficulties, adults with Chronic Fatigue, Sleep Problems, Depression or Anxiety or business owners struggling to keep on top of everything, it all comes down to Overwhelm.
Do you know of someone who seems to be always overwhelmed? If so, send them my details and offer them a hand up.
A Slight Change of Plan!
As mentioned above, I’ve been to some workshops and one of them was around hosting events.
Instead of having my FIRST Wellness Retreat in November, it’s now a DAY ONLY event.
It’s going to be held Saturday 14th November!!
Venue- Victor Harbour, only one hour from Adelaide on the beautiful South Coast of South Australia
Time – 8am til 6pm
Cost- still to be determined, I promise I’ll let you know soon.
Included is lunch and morning and afternoon tea.
On the program already is Yoga, a Sound Healing, Labyrinth Walk and Self-Sabotage Releasing Ceremony. There will be plenty of time for self reflection, talking with others, walking on the beach etc and you can do as little or as much as you wish.
I have a list of people started, if you are among them and still interested, would like to add your name to the list or just like more information, please send me an email, or speak to me in person.
Places will be limited to a maximum of 12. Get in quick. It should be great.
Money time will be soon…..
Overcoming Overwhelm
My 6 Secrets to Turn Chaos into Order (without falling in a heap)
1. Delegate—as soon as littlies can walk they can put their own dirty clothes into the laundry basket. Men can vacuum and do dishes. Don’t be someone else’s slave.
2. Wear Hats -When you are at work, only think about work, as soon as you step out of work and put your ‘home hat ‘on, forget about work., etc. Remember to only wear ONE hat at a time.
3. Multi-task—while the computer is turning on, pop a load of washing into the machine. Don’t waste a minute of your precious time waiting!
4. Turn off the TV—we spend too much time watching stuff just because it’s on, watch only what you really want to. Better still, record it and watch later fast-forwarding the ads.
5. Do things in bulk—buy staples such as meat, rice, flour etc in bulk, then cook and freeze, it saves both time and money. But clean as you go.
6. Take some time for Yourself—every day if you can, but at least every week. A walk alone, a cuppa with a friend, a luxurious bath, something where you can nurture your soul!
If you have a topic or question you would like answered, please drop me an email and I will endeavour to answer it in upcoming newsletters.
Til next time,
If you think someone you know might enjoy reading this newsletter, please forward it to them.
To remove or add your name from our mailing list, please email
Questions or comments? E-mail us at or phone 0437 601 550
When we follow our truth we are always in the place where we recognise opportunities and experiences that draw us into our fullest potential and depth of our love.
12 May 2009
Looking after Youself - Part 5
Overcoming Overwhelm Newsletter – May 2009
e-newsletter from Robyn Stitt, Wellness Consultant 0437 601 550
Isn’t it lovely to see the first tinges of green around the place? I truly love this time of year- the Earth re-energises as it says good-bye to summer and new life returns. I too am energised and ready to get stuck into all those jobs we just don’t have the energy for during the heat.
Unfortunately, it’s that time of year also that means my prices need to increase.
Initial appointments are now $85 and follow-ups $70 for one hour, $100 for an hour and a half. BUT, I have released a couple of packages to give you even more value than before.
A ‘Start-up Package’ of your Initial appointment PLUS 2 hourly follow-ups is only $195, a saving of $30.
Then, ‘Pre-Pay Packages’ of 3 appointments will save you $30 from the ‘as-you-go price’ of hourly appointments.
Other packages are available for Ear Candling and longer appointments, so just ask.
A Date’s Been Set!
As mentioned a few months ago, I am hosting my FIRST Wellness Retreat in November- and I’ve just confirmed the date.
It’s going to be from Friday 13th (hope your not superstitious) – Sunday 15th November!!
Venue- Victor Harbour South Australia
Cost- still to be determined, but it won’t be extra-ordinary.
You will enjoy good food, good company and good energy.
On the program already is Yoga, a Sound Healing, Labyrinth Walk and Self-Sabotage Releasing Ceremony. There will be plenty of time for self reflection, talking with others, walking on the beach etc and you can do as little or as much as you wish. More will be added as the time gets closer.
I have a list of people started, so if you are interested or would like more information, please send me an email, or speak to me in person.
Places will be limited to a maximum of 10.
Get in quick. It should be great.
Looking After Yourself- Part 5
This month I am tackling the topic of SUPPORT. Support from others, our environment and, most importantly, OURSELVES.
That is, the relationship YOU have with YOU.
Think about your friends and why you consider them so. Now, think about the way you treat and talk about YOU.
Would you choose to be friends with yourself?
Would you put up with judgements or negative comments continuously being made towards you from a friend?
So why do you put up with it from yourself?
When you truly SUPPORT yourself, give encouragement despite knock backs, put good food and drinks into your body, give it enough rest and time to relax, your body will respond positively. This can mean more energy, enthusiasm and efficiency in your lifestyle. This in turn then allows other people to have a better relationship with you too, a real WIN-WIN situation.
You really can BE, DO and HAVE anything you want, you just have to believe it and follow through! (oh, and ask for help if you can’t do it alone)
What do you want to be?
More great tips next month.
If you have a topic or question you would like answered, please drop me an email and I will endeavour to answer it in upcoming newsletters.
If you think someone you know might enjoy reading this newsletter, please forward it to them.
To remove or add your name from our mailing list, please email
Questions or comments? E-mail us at or phone 0437 601 550
When we follow our truth we are always in the place where we recognise opportunities and experiences that draw us into our fullest potential and depth of our love.
looking after yourself,
8 April 2009
Looking After Yourself -part 4
Overcoming Overwhelm Newsletter – April 2009
e-newsletter from Robyn Stitt, Wellness Consultant 0437 601 550
Well at last we have bid farewell to Daylight Savings for another season. Easter too has been and gone- I hope the Bunny visited you.
The extreme heat is over and the leaves on the trees are starting to change colour- this really is a pretty time of the year. I have certainly enjoyed the crisp, cooler mornings too, but did need to re-set my body clock! It might only be an hour, but to your body it is a large enough stress when added on top of everything else life throws at us, to really knock you for six!
Are you struggling to stay up past 9pm only to be wide awake at 5? If so, pop in to see me, it’s very easy to re-sync you.
One of the most frequently asked questions I get in clinic is: "why can’t I do this by myself?"
I explain it like this- Stress does not ask us where we would like it to go- similar to the yoghurt ad on TV currently when the girl on the bench asks if she can choose where the fat goes, only to be told, “No, its going straight to your thighs”.
Little stresses you hold onto (either consciously or subconsciously) get caught in the corners of your body. Some of these places you can get to and tidy up yourself, but so much of our body is beyond our conscious control. Can you alter your heart rate or temperature with your thoughts? No, and some stress is the same. No matter how hard you try, you are not authorised to access these areas! I certainly know it’s not from want of trying. This is where Kinesiology comes into its own. Through specialised techniques I can help you access these ‘authorised personnel only’ areas and assist you in releasing the stress once and for all. And know that I don’t need to know what these stressors are- the only person who needs to know what is being uncovered is you- the client. You can keep all those secrets safe as long as you acknowledge them to yourself. I am not an advocate of ‘releasing all the skeletons from your closet’.
How much better would you feel after a good clean-out? Many of my clients express how much lighter they feel after an appointment, how much easier it is to sit and stand up straight, how much more energy they have for enjoying life!
Looking After Yourself- Part 4
This month I will continue the ‘input and output’ theme of your wellbeing.
Last month’s discussion was about food, but now I could like you to think about the other substances you impose on your body.
Cleaning products, perfumes, soaps, shampoos, detergents, dyes, creams and lotions, ‘anti-bacterial’ sprays… there are even automatic insect sprays available today. Not to mention the pollution in the air we breathe and walk around in all day long and the chemicals put into our water to ‘keep it safe’- we soak in the bath in them.
The biggest organ of your body is your skin- it is your protection from the outside environment. Everything you place on your skin, either consciously or accidentally is absorbed by this biggest organ- straight into your bloodstream. Its how HRT and Nicotine patches work, only your skin is not fussy about what it absorbs- it ALL goes in!
It is said that the average female absorbs a whopping 2.5kg of chemicals each year from wearing makeup alone!!!
One way you can help your body cope with this chemical load is to regularly detox or spring-clean yourself. Your body has its own cleaning system called the Lymphatic System and when it is operating efficiently it can keep up with the normal amount of toxins you naturally produce. But if it is a little sluggish, or you push too many toxins in from smoking, excessive alcohol or fatty foods, these toxins build up as cellulite and fluid around the body.
An easy way to give your body a boost is to regularly use my Foot Detox Patches (available from me at BodySense) and/or a monthly Balance to keep your body operating at its peak.
If you are sinusy or suffer from hayfever, or just want to be on top of things before the winter bugs attack, Ear Candling is an excellent remedy.
I like to think of these steps in the same way as housework- either you give the bench a quick wipe-over each day and it stays pretty clean, or you can totally ignore it for a month and then you will have a much bigger job to do. I know which I’d prefer to do.
More great tips next month.
If you have a topic or question you would like answered, please drop me an email and I will endeavour to answer it in upcoming newsletters.
If you think someone you know might enjoy reading this newsletter, please forward it to them.
To remove or add your name from our mailing list, please email
Questions or comments? E-mail us at or phone 0437 601 550
When we follow our truth we are always in the place where we recognise opportunities and experiences that draw us into our fullest potential and depth of our love.
e-newsletter from Robyn Stitt, Wellness Consultant 0437 601 550
Well at last we have bid farewell to Daylight Savings for another season. Easter too has been and gone- I hope the Bunny visited you.
The extreme heat is over and the leaves on the trees are starting to change colour- this really is a pretty time of the year. I have certainly enjoyed the crisp, cooler mornings too, but did need to re-set my body clock! It might only be an hour, but to your body it is a large enough stress when added on top of everything else life throws at us, to really knock you for six!
Are you struggling to stay up past 9pm only to be wide awake at 5? If so, pop in to see me, it’s very easy to re-sync you.
One of the most frequently asked questions I get in clinic is: "why can’t I do this by myself?"
I explain it like this- Stress does not ask us where we would like it to go- similar to the yoghurt ad on TV currently when the girl on the bench asks if she can choose where the fat goes, only to be told, “No, its going straight to your thighs”.
Little stresses you hold onto (either consciously or subconsciously) get caught in the corners of your body. Some of these places you can get to and tidy up yourself, but so much of our body is beyond our conscious control. Can you alter your heart rate or temperature with your thoughts? No, and some stress is the same. No matter how hard you try, you are not authorised to access these areas! I certainly know it’s not from want of trying. This is where Kinesiology comes into its own. Through specialised techniques I can help you access these ‘authorised personnel only’ areas and assist you in releasing the stress once and for all. And know that I don’t need to know what these stressors are- the only person who needs to know what is being uncovered is you- the client. You can keep all those secrets safe as long as you acknowledge them to yourself. I am not an advocate of ‘releasing all the skeletons from your closet’.
How much better would you feel after a good clean-out? Many of my clients express how much lighter they feel after an appointment, how much easier it is to sit and stand up straight, how much more energy they have for enjoying life!
Looking After Yourself- Part 4
This month I will continue the ‘input and output’ theme of your wellbeing.
Last month’s discussion was about food, but now I could like you to think about the other substances you impose on your body.
Cleaning products, perfumes, soaps, shampoos, detergents, dyes, creams and lotions, ‘anti-bacterial’ sprays… there are even automatic insect sprays available today. Not to mention the pollution in the air we breathe and walk around in all day long and the chemicals put into our water to ‘keep it safe’- we soak in the bath in them.
The biggest organ of your body is your skin- it is your protection from the outside environment. Everything you place on your skin, either consciously or accidentally is absorbed by this biggest organ- straight into your bloodstream. Its how HRT and Nicotine patches work, only your skin is not fussy about what it absorbs- it ALL goes in!
It is said that the average female absorbs a whopping 2.5kg of chemicals each year from wearing makeup alone!!!
One way you can help your body cope with this chemical load is to regularly detox or spring-clean yourself. Your body has its own cleaning system called the Lymphatic System and when it is operating efficiently it can keep up with the normal amount of toxins you naturally produce. But if it is a little sluggish, or you push too many toxins in from smoking, excessive alcohol or fatty foods, these toxins build up as cellulite and fluid around the body.
An easy way to give your body a boost is to regularly use my Foot Detox Patches (available from me at BodySense) and/or a monthly Balance to keep your body operating at its peak.
If you are sinusy or suffer from hayfever, or just want to be on top of things before the winter bugs attack, Ear Candling is an excellent remedy.
I like to think of these steps in the same way as housework- either you give the bench a quick wipe-over each day and it stays pretty clean, or you can totally ignore it for a month and then you will have a much bigger job to do. I know which I’d prefer to do.
More great tips next month.
If you have a topic or question you would like answered, please drop me an email and I will endeavour to answer it in upcoming newsletters.
If you think someone you know might enjoy reading this newsletter, please forward it to them.
To remove or add your name from our mailing list, please email
Questions or comments? E-mail us at or phone 0437 601 550
When we follow our truth we are always in the place where we recognise opportunities and experiences that draw us into our fullest potential and depth of our love.
looking after yourself,
9 March 2009
Looking After Yourself- part 3
Overcoming Overwhelm newletter March 2009
Hi! This week saw my favourite episode of ‘The Biggest Loser’ for each series. It involves the contestants ‘putting back on’ the weight they have lost to date to realise just how heavy it had been-the impact it had on their energy and mood, the load on their heart and lungs. And how they feel when they take it off again.
We all carry around weight with us– yes, for some it is physical weight, but then there is the unseen emotional weight we load on our shoulders year after year, getting more tired, less motivated until our bodies start to buckle under the pressure. Wouldn’t it be easy if we could see and measure this weight, it would certainly be easier to acknowledge, but we can’t. What we can do is take steps to reduce our emotional load, free up some energy for living and give our bodies the best chance to remain well.
Looking After Yourself - Part 3
This month, we will look at the importance of ‘input and output’ on your wellbeing.
To operate at your best, ideally only the best quality foods and liquids should enter your body. Fresh, in season produce prepared in the most natural of ways will deliver the most nutrients to your body. As previously discussed water is the best liquid for hydrating your cells and tissues. Anything added to water coverts it into food requiring energy to digest it.
By reducing our ingestion of chemicals such as preservatives and artificial colours and flavours, we are reducing the load on our liver and kidneys to metabolise these substances.
Complex carbohydrates and lots of fibre help keep the digestion moving in the right direction, but stress can ‘confuse’ the flow resulting in irritable bowel syndrome type symptoms. Luckily, by releasing this stress, things can return to normal quite quickly.
As for ‘output’ do you know what a healthy stool should look like? What about healthy urine? Our society doesn’t usually talk about such unsavoury topics, so how are we expected to know what is normal? If you have any concerns about your toileting, please phone me, or come in for a complimentary 15 minute consultation. There could be a better you just around the corner.
Just a reminder about my Retreat later in the year.
Good food, good company, good energy.
Yoga, labyrinth walk, self-sabotage release ceremony, sound healing and more.
Do as much or as little as you want.
There are only a few spots remaining, so if you might be interested, let me know so I can keep you up to date as things start to take shape in the next few months.
Hi! This week saw my favourite episode of ‘The Biggest Loser’ for each series. It involves the contestants ‘putting back on’ the weight they have lost to date to realise just how heavy it had been-the impact it had on their energy and mood, the load on their heart and lungs. And how they feel when they take it off again.
We all carry around weight with us– yes, for some it is physical weight, but then there is the unseen emotional weight we load on our shoulders year after year, getting more tired, less motivated until our bodies start to buckle under the pressure. Wouldn’t it be easy if we could see and measure this weight, it would certainly be easier to acknowledge, but we can’t. What we can do is take steps to reduce our emotional load, free up some energy for living and give our bodies the best chance to remain well.
Looking After Yourself - Part 3
This month, we will look at the importance of ‘input and output’ on your wellbeing.
To operate at your best, ideally only the best quality foods and liquids should enter your body. Fresh, in season produce prepared in the most natural of ways will deliver the most nutrients to your body. As previously discussed water is the best liquid for hydrating your cells and tissues. Anything added to water coverts it into food requiring energy to digest it.
By reducing our ingestion of chemicals such as preservatives and artificial colours and flavours, we are reducing the load on our liver and kidneys to metabolise these substances.
Complex carbohydrates and lots of fibre help keep the digestion moving in the right direction, but stress can ‘confuse’ the flow resulting in irritable bowel syndrome type symptoms. Luckily, by releasing this stress, things can return to normal quite quickly.
As for ‘output’ do you know what a healthy stool should look like? What about healthy urine? Our society doesn’t usually talk about such unsavoury topics, so how are we expected to know what is normal? If you have any concerns about your toileting, please phone me, or come in for a complimentary 15 minute consultation. There could be a better you just around the corner.
Just a reminder about my Retreat later in the year.
Good food, good company, good energy.
Yoga, labyrinth walk, self-sabotage release ceremony, sound healing and more.
Do as much or as little as you want.
There are only a few spots remaining, so if you might be interested, let me know so I can keep you up to date as things start to take shape in the next few months.
looking after yourself,
20 February 2009
Looking after Yourself- Part 2
Overcoming Overwhelm Newletter February 2009
We have all seen and been affected by the terrible bushfires in Victoria and floods to much of Queensland. But what have we learned? We must cherish LIFE – possessions can be replaced, but our own life and that of our loved ones are what’s most important.
Let’s learn that we need to take care of ourselves. All it takes is a little TLC.
There are 730 hours in a month– isn’t your wellbeing worth at least one?
Looking After Yourself Part 2
Following on from last month, we will look at the importance of rest and sleep on your wellbeing.
How many hours SLEEP do we need? Well, that depends on many factors including your age, activity, if you are recovering from an illness or are very stressed.
Children and teenagers need more sleep than adults as they are still growing. As we age we seem to need less sleep, maybe because we are less active or can ‘steal quiet moments’ throughout through the day. Those who are physically active may need more sleep but this is not always the case. Of course if you are ill, more sleep is required until you have recovered.
What about REST? A 15-60 minute ‘rest’ in the afternoon can do wonders for getting through the remainder of the day and evening provided it does not then cause you to be insomniac at bed time. Just closing your eyes and being still is magic!
A better way to determine if you are getting enough sleep is to ask yourself are you waking up refreshed and do you have enough energy to get through your daily activities?
If you are worried about your sleep or energy during the day, come and see me to work out some strategies.
Here is a poem found in 'The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying".
This poem is called 'Autobiography in Five Chapters". An interesting way of looking at life’s lessons.
1) I walk down the street. There is a deep hole in the sidewalk. I fall in.I am lost...I am hopeless. It isn't my fault.It takes forever to find a way out.
2) I walk down the same street. There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.I pretend I don't see it. I fall in again.I can't believe I'm in the same place. But it isn't my fault.It still takes a long time to get out.
3) I walk down the same street. There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.I see it is there. I still fall in...It’s a habit.My eyes are open, I know where I am, and it is my fault.I get out immediately.
4) I walk down the same street. There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.I walk around it.
5) I walk down another street!
We have all seen and been affected by the terrible bushfires in Victoria and floods to much of Queensland. But what have we learned? We must cherish LIFE – possessions can be replaced, but our own life and that of our loved ones are what’s most important.
Let’s learn that we need to take care of ourselves. All it takes is a little TLC.
There are 730 hours in a month– isn’t your wellbeing worth at least one?
Looking After Yourself Part 2
Following on from last month, we will look at the importance of rest and sleep on your wellbeing.
How many hours SLEEP do we need? Well, that depends on many factors including your age, activity, if you are recovering from an illness or are very stressed.
Children and teenagers need more sleep than adults as they are still growing. As we age we seem to need less sleep, maybe because we are less active or can ‘steal quiet moments’ throughout through the day. Those who are physically active may need more sleep but this is not always the case. Of course if you are ill, more sleep is required until you have recovered.
What about REST? A 15-60 minute ‘rest’ in the afternoon can do wonders for getting through the remainder of the day and evening provided it does not then cause you to be insomniac at bed time. Just closing your eyes and being still is magic!
A better way to determine if you are getting enough sleep is to ask yourself are you waking up refreshed and do you have enough energy to get through your daily activities?
If you are worried about your sleep or energy during the day, come and see me to work out some strategies.
Here is a poem found in 'The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying".
This poem is called 'Autobiography in Five Chapters". An interesting way of looking at life’s lessons.
1) I walk down the street. There is a deep hole in the sidewalk. I fall in.I am lost...I am hopeless. It isn't my fault.It takes forever to find a way out.
2) I walk down the same street. There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.I pretend I don't see it. I fall in again.I can't believe I'm in the same place. But it isn't my fault.It still takes a long time to get out.
3) I walk down the same street. There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.I see it is there. I still fall in...It’s a habit.My eyes are open, I know where I am, and it is my fault.I get out immediately.
4) I walk down the same street. There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.I walk around it.
5) I walk down another street!
looking after yourself,
10 January 2009
Looking After Yourself-Part 1
Overcoming Overwhelm newsletter January 2009
I hope you all enjoyed your Xmas break and are ready to dive into 2009 head first!
I had a lovely few weeks off with the family and am now refreshed and ready to help you achieve all that you want for this year too. What is it that you want?
This year is going to be a great one for change, do you want it to be good for you or not!
I have now started at Body Sense on Catherine St and it feels like home. You can find me there on Tuesdays and Fridays, phone 0437 601 550 to book an appointment. Other times are still available by negotiation so I’m sure we can work out a mutually convenient time.
Looking After Yourself Part 1
I am often asked, ‘How can I look after myself better?’
Over the next few newsletters, I will share some tips for doing this.
My answer is always, ‘To become in-tune with your body.’
The person who knows your body the best is YOU!
You have lived in it all your life. You know what it feels like when it is happy and relaxed, stressed or unwell. It may be difficult to describe this to another person as sometimes words are inadequate to really nail what it going on, but you know the feeling.
Become familiar with what KIND of headache you have right now– is it from dehydration, is it from too much sugar, is it from being too busy and feeling overwhelmed? Each one will feel slightly different and by noticing these differences, you will then be able to recognise what treatment you need to give yourself. Taking a Panadol for a dehydration headache will not fix it, a simple glass of water will.
More next time………….
I am so excited to be sharing this with you– I am planning my very first ‘Wellness Retreat’ and am looking for expressions of interest.
It will be held at Victor Harbor, South Australia in late November at this stage, Friday evening to Sunday afternoon. Cost still to be determined, but it won’t be extra-ordinary.
You will enjoy good food, good company and good energy. Lined up already is Yoga, a Sound Healing, Labyrinth Walk and Self-Sabotage Releasing Ceremony. There will be plenty of time for self reflection, talking with others, walking on the beach etc and you can do as little or as much as you wish. More will be added as the time gets closer.
If you are interested or would like more information, please send me an email, or speak to me in person, but places will be limited to a maximum of 10.
Get in quick. It should be great.
I hope you all enjoyed your Xmas break and are ready to dive into 2009 head first!
I had a lovely few weeks off with the family and am now refreshed and ready to help you achieve all that you want for this year too. What is it that you want?
This year is going to be a great one for change, do you want it to be good for you or not!
I have now started at Body Sense on Catherine St and it feels like home. You can find me there on Tuesdays and Fridays, phone 0437 601 550 to book an appointment. Other times are still available by negotiation so I’m sure we can work out a mutually convenient time.
Looking After Yourself Part 1
I am often asked, ‘How can I look after myself better?’
Over the next few newsletters, I will share some tips for doing this.
My answer is always, ‘To become in-tune with your body.’
The person who knows your body the best is YOU!
You have lived in it all your life. You know what it feels like when it is happy and relaxed, stressed or unwell. It may be difficult to describe this to another person as sometimes words are inadequate to really nail what it going on, but you know the feeling.
Become familiar with what KIND of headache you have right now– is it from dehydration, is it from too much sugar, is it from being too busy and feeling overwhelmed? Each one will feel slightly different and by noticing these differences, you will then be able to recognise what treatment you need to give yourself. Taking a Panadol for a dehydration headache will not fix it, a simple glass of water will.
More next time………….
I am so excited to be sharing this with you– I am planning my very first ‘Wellness Retreat’ and am looking for expressions of interest.
It will be held at Victor Harbor, South Australia in late November at this stage, Friday evening to Sunday afternoon. Cost still to be determined, but it won’t be extra-ordinary.
You will enjoy good food, good company and good energy. Lined up already is Yoga, a Sound Healing, Labyrinth Walk and Self-Sabotage Releasing Ceremony. There will be plenty of time for self reflection, talking with others, walking on the beach etc and you can do as little or as much as you wish. More will be added as the time gets closer.
If you are interested or would like more information, please send me an email, or speak to me in person, but places will be limited to a maximum of 10.
Get in quick. It should be great.
looking after yourself,
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